jeudi 3 novembre 2016

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Brady campaign poster

This poster was created/done/ designed by an anti-gun lobby called Brady-campaign.
It was perhaps published online or on billboards.
I tackles the issue or deals with the issue of gun violence in the US.
Figures and percentages are shown, we can see…, representing the number of gun crimes in many developed countries, the highest figure is the US. It is in fact the place where there are the highest number of gun crimes,where the highest number of crimes are committed. where the highest number of people are killed by gun.
In the middle, we can see a gun covered with a US flag, which means that guns are part of the American culture. Just as religion and religion. Which is why The slogan, the motto is « God bless America » means, implies.
At the bottom, there is the motto of BC, a star and a wave, along with the name of the website.This BC is an anti-gun lobby, created by Jim Brady the former White House secretary who was shot during President reagan’s assassination attempt in March 1981 in Washington.

The aim of the poster is to denounce to expose the incredible number of gun crimes in the US compared with the other western nations.
I think it is very effective since it doesn’t show blood or gory images, and yet it criticizes the US gun control policy. BC is quite popular especially after mass murders. After Sandy Hook elementary school massacre, it got 100 000 more subscriptions/people joined the non-profit organization.

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