mercredi 19 avril 2017

Liste de textes de L LVO

Voici la liste exhaustive ou presque (il manquera peut-être un texte) de la liste LVO. Pourriez-vous vérifier les docs et commencer à compiler vos documents et à en faire des photocopies. Bonne journée.

Prénom Classe

Notions for the oral presentation in June 2017.

      Places and forms of power:
Agnes Keleti: vidéo et texte from the Internet
Malala: text from BBC
Tubman: vidéo from Youtube  et pictures from the Internet
Victoria Soto: text from the Daily Mail and fron page from the daily News
Rosa Parks : video
Poster : Brady Campaign
Texte : text:  Laura Kasiske : « who is next »
Front house sign about second amendment
 Text : Second Amendment and Bill of Rights
Audio : Frank Fredericjk’s antidoping speech
 Portugese press cartoon against doping in sports
Text from the Economist about death penalty
Video and script : » Shooter’s grill « from VOA
Text from the  newsmagazine «  the Economist » about death penalty

      myth and heroes
Agnes Keleti: vidéo et text
Malala: video and script from BBC
Tubman: video from Youtube et picture  from the Internet
Victoria Soto: text from the Daily Mail and front page from the « Daily News »
 Deanie Parrish : picture and text from the US educational Package
Rosa Parks : video from National Geographic
Erwitt : photo of the black man at the drinking  fountain
Audio : Frank Fredericjk’s antidoping speech
 Portugese press cartoon against doping

      idea of progress:
 Agnes Keleti: vidéo et texte
Portugese press cartoon against dopingin sports
audio : Fredericks’s antidoping
audio :  guns in Colorado
Video : Shooter’s grill from VOA
Text:  Laura Kasiske : « who is next »
Poster :death penalty by Amnesty International
Text from the newsmagazine « the Economist » about death penalty

·      Space and exchange:
Agnes Keleti: vidéo and text from the Internet
Malala : Malala: video and script from BBC
Soto : Victoria Soto: text from the Daily Mail and fron page from the daily News
Parrish : Deanie Parrish : picture and text from the US educational Package
Video : Rosa Parks from National Geographic Channel
Langston Hughes’s poem : »the Merry-go-round »
Harriet Tubman : Tubman: video from Youtube  and pictures from  the Internet

lundi 3 avril 2017

Vidéo Rosa Parks

The documentary is about Rosa Parks a woman who was the symbol of a form of resistance because she didnt accept to be discriminated against. In 1955, in Alabama, Rosa Parks contested/ refused the bus driver's order, which was to vacate her seat/to give up her seat for a white man. During the segregation  era, the front seats were only for white people, whereas back seats were for Black people.
It was also known as"Jim Crow laws", it was a law which separated Black, and mixed people from Caucasian ( white people).
She was then arrested, she went to prison.
 After this event, there was a bus boycott in buses, during which people didn't take the bus. It lasted over a year, and the bus company almost went bankrupt and asked for the boycott to stop.
Segregation in buses was forbidden after that.

Jim Crows were theater characters that made people laugh, he was a laughing stock.
She actually helped end segregation in the Us, along with Martin Luther King who was for a peaceful settlement of problems, and Malcom X, who suggested that violence could be used sometimes.