vendredi 23 janvier 2015

Lesson "gun control" demi- groupe doc bac

The numbers of people who have been killed are listed from the smallest number to the largest.
The country in which there is the largest number of crimes is the USA. The smaller the country the fewer crimes.
It's because America is a very populated country. The right of having a gun is guaranteed by the Second Amendment and written in the American  constitution.
Finland is a safe country while America is a more dangerous country 
unlike/ compared to America which is a more dangerous place.

Vidéo NYC

mercredi 21 janvier 2015

Audio Tles

Cours Tle Lmk

Poster with guns and Second Amendment

This document is  a poster representing a rifle/weapon. It can be found , people can see it, in front of a house/houses in the United States. There is also an American flag, the star-spangled banner, the Star and Stripes. 
There is a slogan at the bottom, it says the house is protected by the second Amendment, but also that with his rifle protects himself and his family, that he has a gun and can use it! The Second Amendment allows people to have a gun if you conceal it, if it is in a bag, if people can't see it. But it can be dangerous, like in the documents we saw about Sandyhook elementary school or in the news last week:   a little girl took her mother's gun in her bag and killed her at the supermarket.

Sophie Coquilhat-Brocq de Haut, lycée Victor Louis, Talence, ac-BX

samedi 17 janvier 2015

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lundi 12 janvier 2015