Qu’évalue-t-elle ?
La capacité de l’élève à exposer un point de vue pertinent durant la
première partie de l’épreuve et à prendre part à une conversation durant
la deuxième partie.
La première partie
- Brièveté : Format bref. Il n’est pas attendu un exposé sur la
notion, mais une présentation des documents relatifs à cette notion qui
auront été étudiés en classe en faisant le lien entre eux de manière
- Structuration : Présentation succincte, mais construite.
- Contenu : Le candidat exprime un point de vue pertinent par rapport à
la notion présentée en évitant les généralités, en mentionnant les
aspects abordés en cours et en amorçant une réflexion personnelle sur la
notion. Cela implique notamment qu’il maîtrise les champs lexicaux
- Documents : Il n’est pas prévu que l’élève apporte des documents, sauf en série L et pour la LV3.
- Dérives : Attention au bachotage !
La deuxième partie
« Cette prise de parole en continu sert d’amorce à une conversation
conduite par le professeur, qui prend appui sur l’exposé du candidat.
Cette phase d’interaction n’excède pas 5 minutes. Pour chaque candidat,
le professeur conduit son évaluation à partir de la fiche d’évaluation
et de notation correspondant à la langue (LV1 ou LV2) présentée. Cette
fiche a le même statut qu’une copie d’examen. À l’issue de cette
évaluation, le professeur formule une proposition de note et une
appréciation. Cette proposition de note ainsi que l’appréciation ne sont
pas communiquées au candidat. »
Au cours de cet échange, le professeur pourra par exemple demander au
candidat de clarifier des points restés obscurs dans l’exposé, de
préciser certains aspects, d’illustrer son propos par des exemples…
L’évaluation de la prestation du candidat
Le jour de l’épreuve, le candidat sera mis en confiance. Sa capacité à
parler de la notion sera valorisée quand bien même il ferait des
« Toutes
les épreuves doivent être conduites dans un esprit positif, en mettant
le candidat en situation de confiance et en évitant de le déstabiliser.
chaque épreuve, l’examinateur établit son évaluation à partir de celle
des fiches d’évaluation présentées en annexe qui correspond à la langue
(LV1, LV2, LV3), à la nature et au statut de l’épreuve (épreuve orale
obligatoire, enseignement de spécialité, enseignement obligatoire de
littérature étrangère en langue étrangère, enseignement facultatif).
tous les moments d’expression orale en langue étrangère, il est attendu
du candidat qu’il s’exprime clairement dans une gamme de langue
suffisamment étendue pour pouvoir décrire, donner brièvement des
justifications ou des explications et développer une argumentation. On
valorisera la capacité à varier la formulation. Le candidat devra
pouvoir communiquer avec une aisance raisonnable dans une langue simple.
Il devra s’exprimer dans une langue grammaticalement acceptable en
fonction du niveau d’exigence de l’épreuve et avoir acquis une
prononciation claire et une intonation pertinente.
la phase de prise de parole en continu, l’examinateur doit laisser le
candidat aller au bout de ce qu’il souhaite dire, même si sa
présentation comporte quelques hésitations, voire de brefs silences. »
Pour en savoir plus sur les épreuves de LV au BAC Session 2014 :
FICHES EVALUATION baccalauréats général et technologique (hors séries L, TMD, STAV et hôtellerie)
FICHES EVALUATION des épreuves du BAC oral de la série L
DOSSIER Questions-Réponses publié sur EDUSCOL janvier 2014
L’organisation de l’épreuve
Le moment de l’évaluation :
Il sera choisi par l’établissement au cours du 3ème trimestre dans le cadre d’une réflexion partagée.
d’expression orale sera annoncée suffisamment à l’avance aux élèves.
Son organisation en termes de locaux, de personnel et de mise en
cohérence avec les emplois du temps des élèves et de leurs professeurs
devra être anticipée.
L’interrogateur :
Il pourra s’agir de l’enseignant de l’élève ou non, en fonction de qui aura été décidé au niveau de l’établissement.
« S’agissant
d’une évaluation encours d’année qui se situe pendant le temps
scolaire, il est logique qu’elle soit conduite par le professeur de la
classe. On ne peut pas exclure cependant, que dans le cadre d’un travail
d’équipe au sein de l’établissement, elle soit conduite par des
professeurs d’autres classes du même établissement sous forme d’échange
de service. » FAQ sur Eduscol :…
La note :
« Les notes attribuées dans le cadre de cette évaluation en cours
d’année ne sont pas communiquées aux élèves. Elles sont définitivement
arrêtées par le jury du baccalauréat. »
Source: Portail Langues, Academie de Versailles
Nelson Mandela 1918-2013
Rolihlahla Mandela was born in
Transkei, South Africa on 18 July 1918 and was given the name of Nelson
by one of his teachers. His father Henry was a respected advisor to the
Thembu royal family.
ANC involvement
Mandela was educated at the University of Fort Hare and later at the
University of Witwatersrand, he qualified in law in 1942. He became
increasingly involved with the African National Congress (ANC), a
multi-racial nationalist movement trying to bring about political change
in South Africa.
In 1948, the National Party came to power and began to implement a
policy of ‘apartheid’, or forced segregation on the basis of race. The
ANC carried out a campaign of passive resistance against apartheid laws.
In 1952, Mandela became one of the ANC’s deputy presidents. By the
late 1950s, faced with increasing government discrimination, Mandela,
his friend Oliver Tambo and others began to move the ANC in a more
radical direction. In 1956, Mandela went on trial for treason. The court
case lasted five years, and finally Mandela was acquitted.
In March 1960, 69 black anti-apartheid demonstrators were killed by
police at Sharpeville. The government declared a state of emergency and
banned the ANC. In response, the organisation abandoned its policy of
non-violence and Mandela helped establish the ANC’s military wing
‘Umkhonto we Sizwe’ or ‘The Spear of the Nation’. He was appointed its
commander-in-chief and travelled abroad to receive military training and
to find support for the ANC.
On his
return he was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison. In 1963,
Mandela and other ANC leaders were tried for plotting to overthrow the
government by violence. The following year Mandela was sentenced to life
imprisonment. He was held in Robben Island prison, off the coast of
Cape Town, and later in Pollsmoor Prison on the mainland. During his
years in prison he became an international symbol of resistance to
In 1990, the South African government responded to internal and
international pressure and released Mandela, at the same time lifting
the ban against the ANC. In 1991 Mandela became the ANC’s leader.
He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
together with FW de Klerk, then president of South Africa, in 1993. The
following year South Africa held its first multi-racial election and
Mandela was elected its first black president.
In 1998, he was married for the third time to Graça Machel, the widow
of the president of Mozambique. Mandela’s second wife, Winnie, whom he
married in 1958 and divorced in 1996, remains a controversial
anti-apartheid activist.
In 1997 he stepped down as ANC leader and in 1999 his presidency of South Africa came to an end.
In 2004, Mandela announced his retirement from public life, although
his charitable work continued. On 29 August 2007, a permanent statue to
him was unveiled in Parliament Square, London.
He died on 5 December 2013, aged 95.
To learn more about Nelson Mandela’s life you can visit these pages:
- Watch the video on the BBC Website:
- Watch the video on the Guardian newspaper website:
- Learn about the timeline of Mandela’s life with videos :
BBC News
- Learn some of Mandela’s popular
- Watch the video on the
History channel
- How would Mandela have used social media if it has existed? Watch the
Video here – thank you to for the link!
To learn more about apartheid:
- You can visit the excellent Apartheid museum
To improve your listening comprehension :
- Online exercises
To improve your reading comprehension:
- Learn all about Mandela and apartheid
Tips for your oral presentation!
Do you consider Nelson Mandela to be a modern-day hero? What has he
achieved for black South Africans? How has their life become better
today? Does this make him a hero?This topic can not only illustrate the
notion of myths and heroes but also the idea of progress: after racial
segregation during colonial times in South Africa, the struggle that led
to the abolition of apartheid has brought about a great number of
changes for the black population.Finally this topic could be the perfect
illustration for the notion of places and forms of power:
Apartheid caused significant internal resistance and violence, and a
long arms and trade embargo against South Africa. There were
many uprisings and protests leading to the imprisoning of
anti-apartheid leaders. As unrest spread and became more effective and
militarised, state organisations responded with repression and violence.
Along with the sanctions placed on South Africa by the international
community, this made it increasingly difficult for the government to
maintain the regime. Apartheid reforms in the 1980s failed to stop the
mounting opposition, and in 1990 President de Klerk began negotiations
to end apartheid. There were multi-racial democratic elections in 1994
that were won by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela.
1. Introduce the notion you have chosen, define it and briefly explain how you will present it
I am going talk about the idea of progress……..
First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: The
idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a
change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to
making the world a better place.
This year in class we studied several documents about the idea of progress and in particular …….
In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about (the power of money/immigration in the USA/the American Dream)
……and attempt to answer the question (posez ici votre "problématique"
par exemple : to what extent does Barack Obama embody the American
To answer this question I will present two documents…….
(Si vous ne trouvez pas de problématique ne paniquez pas! Vous pouvez
présenter la notion en parlant simplement du sujet que vous choisi: "In
order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about immigration
in the USA and in particular the American Dream")
2. Present the different documents you have chosen
The first document I have chosen is a newspaper article taken from
the British newspaper "the Daily Telegraph" it deals with the problem
- It indicates that……….
-The journalist draws our attention to the fact that………
- He claims that………………………
-He/she refers to the fact that ………………………..
3.Explain the author’s/narrator’s/artist’s point of view
Through this illustration the artist wants to show us that he/she approves of …
After reading this article we understand that the author sides with ….
The journalist is against the idea of ……………………
He / she criticizesthe government for not doing enough
The author disapproves ofthe behaviour of the football players…..
The journalist gives an unbiased opinionand lets us make our own
minds up about the subject. He simply provides us with the information.
4. Explain the link with the notion you have to talk about
- The cartoon shows us the evolution of today’s society and the fact that technology has progressed
-It is an interesting/ relevant illustration of the notion of spaces
and exchanges as it shows just how globalisation has changed our world
- This song perfectly illustrates the idea of myths and heroes because……….
- The extract from the film proves that…
5. If possible make a link between the documents
- Both the article and the film make us realize that…
- The first two articles help us to understand that…..
- In all three documents, the idea put forward is ….
-There is a relationship between….and….
-The author/journalist/painter/singer/artist wants to draw our attention to …
6. Make a personal conclusion by
giving your opinion on the document and perhaps opening up onto another
notion or future prospects
- I totally agree with the idea that……………………..
- I really enjoyed reading this article because I am very interested in…………………
- I have to disagree with the author because….
- It is important not to forget that…………..
- This article could also be linked to the notion of the idea of progress because……..
- We have to be careful because in the future this could lead to (mener à)
- There are advantages to social progress but there are also disadvantages such as…..
- It is important that we are aware of the d angers
Don’t forget to make a link with another notion in your conclusion,
perhaps a notion that you are more confident with. The examiner will
then maybe ask you questions about that notion.
For example if you present documents about Rosa Parks and Martin
Luther King to illustrate the notion of places and forms of power you
could add at the end:
"We can also relate these articles to the notion of Myths and Heroes.
Indeed Rosa Parks and ML King are considered as heroes to many people:
Before the Civil Rights Movement, when whites were thought to be better
than all other races, they decided it was time for change."
This could even be linked to the "idea of progress" as what Rosa
Parks and ML King did contributed to a change in rights for Black people
in the USA. A lot of progress has been made since they stood up for the
rights of black Americans, there is no more segregation and even the
American President is black. This can be considered as great progress
for human rights.